[sane-devel] Spot ScanTak 2c/3c

Alex shflesh@sh.km.ua
Wed, 14 May 2003 08:12:12 +0300

Respected developers SANE!

Answer, please a question. Why the developers of a package SANE have 
not included support of scanners ScanTak 2c/3c of firm Spot Technology. 
In spite of the fact that firm-manufacturer already is not present, 
rather plenty of similar scanners all still is on a service at the 
users. And as shows search on appropriate forums, many from the users 
have problems for want of to attempt to force these scanners to work in 
OS Linux. By one from such users am also I.

These scanners have the own SCSI-adapter (16 bit ISA), but visually to 
determine a type chipset it is not obviously possible. Programm the 
utilities (for example, pnpdump from Linux Red Hat 7.3 or ISA 
Configuration Utility from MS DOS6.22) - are powerless. They refuse 
even to find the appropriate adapter, though in User's Manual to the 
scanner is written:

- Plug and Play design
- No need to set I/O address
- No need to set SCSI ID setting

Further I in a research of this problem was not advanced and I hope to 
receive the help from you, respected developers SANE.

Beforehand I thank for the help.
Yours faithfully Alex.