[sane-devel] Re: gamma-table value

F J Brooks F J Brooks" <fred@redgrave.screaming.net
Thu, 15 May 2003 08:22:59 +0100

On Thu, 15 May 2003, Martin Collins <martin@mkcollins.org> wrote:

> Hi Fred
> I can't speak to your specific problem but maybe I can clarify a
> couple of general points for you.

Thank you, Martin, for your words of wisdom, which I have carefully noted.

I've given up on the desktop 'Scanner' icon - as no-one seems able to
provide a solution to the 'gamma-table' problem - and am pursuing XSane.
I'll see how I get on with that.

An idle thought: "As I'm an unashamed, lazy 'icon-clicker' - rather than a
'command-line-freak' [!!!], when I do get XSane working (which I am
confident I shall), it would be nice if I could 'convert' the 'Scanner' icon
on my desktop to an 'XSane' icon - then I can call up XSane more easily -
rather than having to go thru the tedious business of raising a shell, then
typing a command".

I know that this is absolute heresy to the Linux community, and I shall be
abused - if not 'drummed-out [!!!]

Is this possible? Any ideas?

Thanks again.

