[sane-devel] epson 2450(firewire) crashes usb

Roberto Lumbreras rover-sane@lumbreras.org
Tue, 20 May 2003 16:36:39 +0200

On Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 09:30:13, khk@khk.net wrote:
: ONe thing you could try is to get rid of the scanner.o driver completely
: and use libusb. One way to accomplish this is to manually remove the
: scanner driver (rmmod scanner.o). Then edit the epson.conf file and
: put a comment sign (#) in front of your usb /dev/... line and add
: a new line that just reads "usb" - without the quotes.
: You may have to add the vendor and product IDs after the "usb" keyword
: for older Sane versions, but 1.0.11 should have the information for
: the 2400.

Yes, you are right, it works! Thank you very much :-)

Roberto Lumbreras           .''`.            
                    <rover : :' : debian.org>
Debian Developer           `. `'             