[sane-devel] .fr.po - 20030511

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at anciens.enib.fr
Sun May 11 11:11:19 BST 2003


Updated french translations attached.

Translated     :  557 (97.2%)
      of which :    0 fuzzy ( 0.0%)
Not translated :   16 ( 2.8%)
Total          :  573


|  Yann E. MORIN  | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
| +0/33 662376056 | Software  Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN     |  ___               |
| --==< °_° >==-- °---.----------------:  X  AGAINST      |  \e/  There is no  |
| web: ymorin.free.fr | SETI at home 1367 | / \ HTML MAIL    |   v   conspiracy.  |
 \__ np: The Cure - A Strange Day [Stopped] __________________________________/
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