[sane-devel] Multiscan feature for coolscan2 backend

Nils Philippsen nphilipp at redhat.com
Sun Nov 30 21:38:17 GMT 2003

While we're at it,

has anyone attempted to use the Multiscan feature of certain Nikon film
scanners? Being the naive fellow I am, this should work by "setting a
flag" on the scanner and either it would do everything in hardware or it
would send the several scans "in raw" to the driver.

Obviously I would like to have this feature supported by the driver as
well. Will code if I know where to start.

     Nils Philippsen    /    Red Hat    /    nphilipp at redhat.com
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
 safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."     -- B. Franklin, 1759
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