[Fwd: Re: [sane-devel] Boeder SmartScan Slim Edition on SuSE]
Henning Meier-Geinitz
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 21:47:10 +0100
On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 09:35:07PM -0000, Jim George wrote:
> not sure if anyone can help, or is even interested :)
> I have tried upgrading to kernel 2.4.21-168 but this knocks out my second
> pcmcia network card.
> I have now downloaded libusb-0.1.7-o.pm.o-i586.rpm but that doesn't appear
> to have worked either.
> When I run SANE_DEBUG_GT68xx=255 scanimage -L I get the following;
> [gt68xx] sane_init: config file line 37: trying to attach `usb 0x05d8 0x4002'
> [gt68xx] sane_init: can't override model to artec-ultima-2000, set device first
This means that the scanner wasn't found. As you can't set overrides,
set names etc. for a device that does not exist all the "commands" tha
come after the "usb" line in the config file will fail.
> can someone please tell me what's happening here and what I need to do now?
Make sure that sane-find-scanner finds you scanner before going on.