[sane-devel] Boeder SmartScan Slim Edition on SuSE

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning@meier-geinitz.de
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 19:03:36 +0100


On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 11:18:12PM -0000, Jim George wrote:
> > Possible reason: if SANE is linked to libusb there are some other
> > possible reasons:
> How can I check that it is?

"ldd /path/to/libsane-gt68xx.so". That should print: 
libusb-0.1.so.4 => /usr/lib/libusb-0.1.so.4 (0x4002c000)
(or similar).

> Yes it does...as follows.
> T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  2 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
> D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
> P:  Vendor=05d8 ProdID=4002 Rev= 1.00
> C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=a0 MxPwr=496mA
> I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=(none)
> E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

Looks ok.
> Do you have any other suggestions?

Please show us the output of sane-find-scanner -v -v .
