[sane-devel] FWD: SANE and Darwin (Mac OS X): Firewire scanners
Henning Meier-Geinitz
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 19:32:12 +0100
As this mail may be of interest for MacOS X and Linux PPC users I'll
forward it to sane-devel. I'll update our list of supported platforms.
Please respond to the list or the original author, not to me.
----- Forwarded message from "Joseph E. Sacco, Ph. D." <jsacco@earthlink.net> -----
From: "Joseph E. Sacco, Ph. D." <jsacco@earthlink.net>
To: henning@meier-geinitz.de
Subject: SANE and Darwin (Mac OS X): Firewire scanners
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 17:14:51 -0500
PowerMac with dual G4 533MHz/ 1GB RAM/ 3 SCSI drives
YDL 3.0.1 [on separate SCSI drive]
1.0.13 back ends
Firewire scanners:
Epson Perfection 2450
Nikon LS8000ED
Downloaded the source and built the sane back ends and xsane under YDL-3.0.1.
Using "Fink", I built the sane-back ends and xsane under OSX-10.3.2.
Results under Yellow Dog Linux 3.0.1:
* Both fire wire scanners work.
* The Nikon has some slide holder issues that result in clipped images.
Playing around with the (x,y) boundaries does not solve the problem as they
are contstrained:
0 < x < 5904 px
0 < y < 4031 px
The numbers reflect the maximum scan density of 4000 dpi.
Results under OSX:
* "scanimage -L" can see both firewire scanners.
* "scanimage -d xxxxxx -h" generates lots of output.
* the Epson scanner works fine.
* the Nikon scanner does not work.
When the Nikon scanner is accessed from xsane, some operations like "reset
scanner" or "eject film carrier" work. When "preview" is clicked, the scanner
is strangely silent, but the software pretends to be doing something and
generates a large, dark image. So..., there are some issues with the
coolscan2 code under OSX.
As an added bonus...
The Epson scanner runs under OSX when OSX is brought up from Linux using "Mac
On Linux":
The trick to getting this to work is to manually configure the SCSI entries
for MOL in "/etc/molrc.osx" since autoprobe_scsi [currently] does not "see"
the firewire devices.
------------------------ segment from /etc/molrc.osx ------------------------
# SCSI configuration (also relevant for IDE CDs and other SCSI-like devices)
# By default, MOL automatically scans for non-harddisk type SCSI devices.
# If only specified SCSI devices are to be used by mol, change the
# the autoprobe setting below.
# Note: IDE, firewire and USB devices typically show up as SCSI devices.
#autoprobe_scsi: yes
# If SCSI autoprobing is disabled then devices must be exported manually
# host/channel/id
scsi_dev: "0:0:0" # Sony CD
scsi_dev: "3:0:0" # Nikon LS8000
scsi_dev: "4:0:0" # Epson 2450
-------------------------------end segment-----------------------------------
I used the script "rescan-scsi-bus" to determine the host/channel/id setting
for my particular hardware configuration.
Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D. <jsacco[at]earthlink[dot]net>
J.E. Sacco & Associates, Inc.
----- End forwarded message -----