[sane-devel] problem launching sane

Jost Ammon jost@ammon-web.de
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 23:01:10 +0100

On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 22:27:22 +0100
Oliver Schwartz <Oliver.Schwartz@gmx.de> wrote:

> > # Change to the fully qualified filename of your firmware file, if
> > # firmware upload is needed by the scanner
> >    firmware /usr/local/agfafirm
> There should be no spaces at the beginning of the line. Also this line 
> will only work if "agfafirm" is the renamed "Snapscan e20.bin" from 
> the windows driver installation.

I have out-commented the whole firmware row, un-plugged the scanner for reset, started windows and performed a scan to make sure the scanner is still working correctly in itself, re-booted mdk linux and... it now scans nicely as if there were never any problems.

i remembered that the scanner performed nicely when I had mdk freshly installed. By the time something must have occurred that set the scanner wrongly, which led to my intstalling the firmware (which previously wasn't necessary). 

So by resetting it seems I have re-installed the right order. I have no clue why that is but am happy for now, so let's wait and see.

Thanks for your help
