[sane-devel] Distortion of pictures scanned using canoscan n1220u and latest plustek backend

m. allan noah anoah at pfeiffer.edu
Mon Feb 9 14:29:08 GMT 2004

out of proportion images usually are because you requested a resolution 
that the scanner does not physically support in one of it's two 
directions. i dont know if this is the case in your scanner, since i dont 
have one, but it is certainly the case for older scanners from several 
different brands that i have used. 

try turning on debugging for your scanner from the command line, and look 
at the output during a small scan. see if it says anything about rounding 
the x or y resolution value.

SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=255 scanimage > /dev/null


On 8 Feb 2004, Courtney wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have recently been experiencing difficulties with the plustek backend
> and my n1220u scanner. I scan images when using the save option, and the
> images a distorted, ie end up usually shorter than the original scan and
> are out of proportion. This is using the xsane frontend. now the step
> setting affects this but when it is set to 0 I should get a proportional
> scan to what is on the flatbed.
> Another thing is that the preview screen is in proportion but the
> resultant scan is not. It happens when saving to ust about every file
> format...
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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