[sane-devel] Canoscan 2700f

Jonathan Buzzard jonathan at buzzard.me.uk
Mon Feb 16 15:41:14 GMT 2004

jonathan at cs.keele.ac.uk said:
> (I do smile when sane lists the 2700F driver status as "good" when in
> order to get it working you have to patch and recompile the kernel.
> Hardly something most users will consider an easy option)

Generally speaking the driver status refers to the quality and
comprehensiveness of the scanner driver. It does *not* refer to
how easy it is to setup. As such it means in this instance that once
setup your 2700F will function correctly giving good scans in all
modes, and all or nearly all the features of the scanner supported.

Most of your problems seem to stem from using an ancient and decrepit
ISA SCSI card. I strongly suspect that if you where using a PCI
SCSI card you would have a much easier time.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Northumberland, United Kingdom.       Tel: +44 1661-832195

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