[sane-devel] On certain functions

m. allan noah anoah at pfeiffer.edu
Wed Feb 18 14:14:26 GMT 2004

ok, you need to read the usb spec. it is a little hard to read, so i also 
recommend the usb in a nutshell doc from 

there are 4 types of usb transfers. you must use whichever one the windows 
driver uses. a device will have several 'endpoints' (think of them like 
'ports' in IP) each of which has a specific purpose. you must use the ones 
that windows driver uses.

you got any of benoit's usbsniffer logs on a website so we can 
see them somewhere?


On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Jason Anderson wrote:

> Now I'm trying to send/recieve data from the scanner, however, I don't know the proper functions and code to do that.  I've been looking in "sanei" and it has a function called "sanei_usb_control_msg()".  Should I use this function for certain transfers or should I use other functions?

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