[sane-devel] discussion: Future of SANE-project

Brian K. White brian@aljex.com
Mon, 12 Jul 2004 11:29:19 -0400

m. allan noah wrote:
> the project is composed of many individuals, each with different
> goals/interests. The part of the website you quoted does not suggest
> to me that we are gunning for TWAIN, just that SANE is a better
> design.
> however, history is FULL of better designs that did not make it for
> cost/political reasons. technical superiority != market penetration.
> TWAIN is well established, well supported, and represents 90% of the
> existing install-base. This is not likely to change even if we all
> dropped our attempts to maintain backends and focussed entirely on
> browbeating the mfgs/oems. and since this is something that most of
> us are not interested in, we as individuals do not tend to do it.
> if you dont mind my asking, explain your interest in sane. why does it
> matter to you if it supplants TWAIN?

Twain does exist on linux btw.
I saw this company demonstrating it at an AIIM convention in nyc a couple
years ago.

Brian K. White  --  brian@aljex.com  --  http://www.aljex.com/bkw/
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