[sane-devel] Including the NIASH Backend...

Julien BLACHE jb@jblache.org
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 19:53:35 +0200

Gerhard Jaeger <gerhard@gjaeger.de> wrote:


> while checking some patches for SANE, I found that the guys at
> http://packman.links2linux.de create their SANE rpm WITH the
> niash backend. So it's available and somehow used by some
> SuSE users...
> It's also scheduled for inclusion since december 2003
> Question: Why is it still not included?

The backend is packaged in libsane-extras in Debian, and seems to be
working fine from the reports I've got so far.

IIRC it doesn't use sanei_* for usb/scsi access, which would be the
only problem I think, but I may be mixing things up with another
external backend.


Julien BLACHE                                   <http://www.jblache.org> 
<jb@jblache.org>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169