[sane-devel] Fujitsu papersize problems, sane-backends-1.0.14

Oliver Schirrmeister oschirr@abm.de
Thu, 3 Jun 2004 17:53:26 +0200

Am Donnerstag 03 Juni 2004 16:36 schrieb Lee Howard:
> > > I am having trouble when using the --papersize options other than
> > > A4/Letter.
> > >
> > > If I do:
> > >
> > > scanimage --source ADF --papersize Autodetect
> > >
> > > or:
> > >
> > > scanadf --source ADF --papersize Autodetect
> > >
> > > I get:
> > >
> > > sane_start: Invalid argument
> >
> > Seems that autodetect doesn't work with the 4097. I've tried that
> > option with
> > the 3093 but it wasn's reliable.
> Oh, alright.
> By your comments here I assume that --papersize is used solely to
> indicate to the ADF the size of the paper that it is supposed to pull
> through, but does not indicate the size of the area that is to be
> scanned.  Is this correct?


> I don't really understand the value of the --papersize option, then,
> since the scanner seems to deal with mixed-size and other-size paper
> regardless of what --papersize option I use.  E.g., if I use
> --papersize Letter, then it seems to be quite happy about scanning
> Letter and Legal sized paper mixed in the ADF.

Your scanner has a DIN A3 ADF and you use those plastic bars (how
are they called?) to center your letter sized paper. The origin of the
scanning area (-x -y -l -t) is 0/0 in the picture below if you use 
--papersize Letter, not the left side of the A3 ADF.

| <----------- DIN A3 ---------->|
|        | 0/0             |           |
|        | <- Letter -> |           |
|        |                  |           |
|        |                  |           |
|                                      |

If you put mixed-size paper in the adf with different paper width (e.g 
letter and A5) you'll more likely get a paper jam and the A5 paper 
will probably be skewed. 
The resulting image of the A5 paper will have letter size if -x and -y
are set to letter size.

I think this subject is better described in one of that guides of your
scanner (have a look at the fujitsu home page).

-- Oliver