[sane-devel] Software/Driver from PentaxTech Inc.?

Felix E. Klee felix.klee.sane at gmx.net
Wed Mar 31 00:57:48 BST 2004

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 21:15:07 +0200 Felix E. Klee wrote:
> Could anyone send it to me or point me to a download location?

The issue is closed for now. Please, don't send me any software.

> BTW, I plan to contact Pentax tomorrow, but I don't know how helpful
> that'll be.

I did so today, and just received a very detailed message with software
attached containing the driver RC20 and a GUI interface (haven't tried 
it out, yet). The driver RC21 is available upon request. Judging from 
the questions in the email, it looks as if the Pentax guys are really 
interested in the LINUX market for their scanner.


PS: To contact me off list don't reply but send mail to "felix.klee" at
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