[sane-devel] Why does XSane set Gamma = 1.0
Ullrich Sigwanz
Sat, 04 Sep 2004 14:48:28 +0200
Hi Oliver,
Thanks, that helped...
I just did not know about the feature of switching of the automatic
though I should have known... my fault
>>You don`t need to do anything with the gamma value in xsane.
>>Disable the automatic gamma selection in the preferences/setup
>>enhancement tab and select the gamma value 1.6 in the xsane main window
>>and store it as device preferences. You never need to touch it again
>>when you want it always to be 1.6
This made the ends meet.
XSane - from my poimt of view - does it exactly right (which you told me
Thank you, and keep up your great work