[sane-devel] Progress on HP ScanJet 4600?

Ethan Glasser-Camp glasse@rpi.edu
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 13:08:05 -0400

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Sorry if this gets posted twice -- I didn't quite subscribe before I 
posted last time, and I'm still not sure if I'm subscribed yet..

Hey all,

A friend of mine recently converted to Linux, and has a HP ScanJet 4600 
that she'd like to get working under Linux. Is anyone working on a 
driver for it? If not, how hard is it to write one? I'm a computer 
science undergraduate at Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. 
I'm fluent in C but know next to nothing about hardware interfaces, USB, 
or programming for either. I understand that such a job would be a lot 
easier if the chipset were similar to a chipset that is already 
supported -- does anyone know if this is the case? (I assume not, since 
presumably if it were, someone would have noticed, and written a driver 
for it.)

Ethan Glasser-Camp, self-styled Computersman

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