sane config files [was [sane-devel] Infrared channel]]
m. allan noah
Thu, 24 Feb 2005 14:00:57 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Oliver Rauch wrote:
> Hello.
> I think there will be a possibility that the backend finds out what
> scanner model talks to in almost all cases. Of course it is hard work to
> find out what registers behave different to identify the models. But I
> am pretty sure that in most cases it is possible for the backend to
> identify the devices. And this will be much better than a XML config
> file.
> When it is not possible for the backend to find out the exact device it
> could try the known devices to find out what model it is and store the
> result in an own file (or put it into an advanced sane option that is
> stored by the frontend in the devices preferences file), so it knows
> next time what device it should test at first.
but what about when it CANNOT find out this way? how can the backend
describe to a config tool that it needs some information? can the .desc
file for the backend tell the config tool which scanners it supports, as
well as which ones require user input?
> And for the cases it really is necessary to tweak any config files I
> think it is more important to define and create a SANE-package internal
> configuration program than to define how the config files look like.
is that not the same thing?
> Oliver
> Am Mit, 2005-02-23 um 21.35 schrieb Sergey Vlasov:
>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 08:36:44PM +0100, Oliver Rauch wrote:
>>> It is dangerous when a setup program or an unexperienced user is
>>> changing the config file. For supported scanners it generally is not
>>> necessary to change anything in the config file.
>>> I suggest to discuss how we can make the sane-backends work without any
>>> config file changes. The first versions of SANE did work out of the box
>>> for supported devices. There is no need for tweaking config files.
>> Unfortunately there are stupid devices out there. Look at the "usb
>> 0x05d8 0x4002" entry in gt68xx.conf for example - there are lots of
>> different scanners with the same USB ID, and most of them need
>> explicit overrides ("vendor" and "model" are just cosmetic, but
>> "override" and "firmware" lines really change things). In this case
>> the config tool would need to get the real scanner model from the user
>> and modify the config file appropriately.
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