sane config files [was [sane-devel] Infrared channel]]
Johannes Meixner
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:58:58 +0100 (CET)
On Feb 24 17:25 Julien BLACHE wrote (shortened):
> Johannes Meixner <> wrote:
> > For the remaining backends which still need config files
> > it would be good to have a common config file syntax which
> > supports to change them in a safe way by software tools.
> Sure, but let's keep something that's human-readable :) (XML or PPD
> aren't human-readable ;)
I don't understand what you want.
As far as I understand you:
On the one hand
you said that users don't want to bother with config tools
and then I assume you even more want that users should't need
to bother with reading man pages and editing config files manually.
On the other hand
it seems you do not want computer read/writeable config file formats.
Don't you see that the real reason for all the discussion is
how to make the setup more user friendly even for those scanners
which need special settings (i.e. which don't work with the default
built-in settings of the backend)?
One approach is to have a special user setup frontend (a setup tool)
and such a tool requires computer read/writeable config file formats.
Even what Oliver Rauch proposed with the "CONFIGURE flag"
includes a computer read/writeable config data format.
I like Oliver's proposal very much because it doesn't require
a special user setup frontend.
Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5 Mail:
90409 Nuernberg, Germany WWW: