[sane-devel] Error on Canon CanoScanLiDE20
Gerhard Jaeger
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 20:30:30 +0200
On Wednesday 08 June 2005 18:35, Steven Palm wrote:
> sane-find-scanner lists:
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x220d [CanoScan],
> chip=LM9832/3) at libusb:003:002-04a9-220d-ff-00
> scanimage -L lists:
> device `plustek:libusb:003:002-04a9-220d-ff-00' is a Canon N670U/
> N676U/LiDE20 USB flatbed scanner
> scanimage(12019) malloc: *** error for object 0x303fe0: double free
> scanimage(12019) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
> And if I attempt to scan a picture like so:
> scanimage --format=tiff >test.tiff
> I get this error, and the resulting file is a small portion of the
> picture:
> scanimage(12020,0xa000ef98) malloc: *** error for object 0x304760:
> double free
> scanimage(12020,0xa000ef98) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in
> szone_error to debug
> Is this a known issue, or something unique perhaps to MacOS X ?
In the meantime, it is ;)
Mattias Ellert already informed me about that issue, although it's
currently not clear, where it comes from.
> scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.15-cvs; backend version 1.0.15
> MacOS X 10.4.1