[sane-devel] Plustek OpticBook 3600 supported?
Jon Niehof
Tue, 3 May 2005 08:02:40 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jens Gulden <mail@jensgulden.de> wrote:
> > It's really too bad; over at Distributed Proofreaders we're
> > drooling over the thing.
> Looking at what DP is doing, I wouldn't expect anything else
> than you making fun about it...
There are only two high-speed scanners feeding into the site;
the rest of us make do with whatever cheap flatbeds we can get
our hands on. The high-speeds require the book to be destroyed;
for rarer volumes (and library copies) something like the
OptiBook would be a godsend to minimize damage.
> Do you mean the device itself is 'too bad', in terms of
> technical quality?
Sorry; English (American?) idiom. "It's too bad"--the whole
situation is "too bad," disappointing. The same "it" as "it's
> Are there any devices similiar to the Plustek OpticBook 3600?
> By other manufacturers?
Not that I know of; right now it's rather unique and I believe
rather patented.
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