[sane-devel] WARNING: Epson 2480/2580 in transparency mode,
2400 DPI
Olaf Meeuwissen
Mon, 23 May 2005 20:38:47 +0900
Oliver Schwartz <Oliver.Schwartz@gmx.de> writes:
> Hi all,
> I've received a report from a user who was left with a broken scanner
> after using the Epson 2480 in transparency mode in 2400 DPI with
> xsane. According to the report the scanner power light went red and
> the scanner "smelled hot". After power-cycling the scanner it was not
> possible to scan anymore.
I take it you are positive that this user used the snapscan backend
when this happened. The epkowa backend also supports this scanner.
> Since I cannot rule out any misbehaviour of the SnapScan driver I urge
> all Epson 2480/2580 users not to try 2400 DPI in transparency mode.
> I've disabled the code in CVS, but of course that doesn't change the
> behaviour of your SANE installation until a new version is installed.
> Having said that, it's the first report of that kind that I have
> received and the code hasn't been touched for a long time. I don't
> own any Epson scanner so I cannot verify the report myself. It's also
> possible that the scanner of that user broke down for other reasons.
> If you have been using the transparency adapter of the 2480/2580
> successfully with 2400 DPI or if you noticed any strange behaviour to
> confirm the report, please let me know.
Olaf Meeuwissen
FSF Associate Member #1962 sign up at http://member.fsf.org/
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