[sane-devel] EPKOWA Epseon PF 3590 Photo

Olaf Meeuwissen olaf at member.fsf.org
Sat Oct 15 02:24:59 UTC 2005

didi.segbert at arcor.de (Dietmar Segbert) writes:

Sorry for the late follow-up (and sending it with the wrong From:

> Hello,
> since september 29. ist the epkowa driver for the epson perfection 3590  
> photo availeble.
> I hae downloaded iscan, but i can#t compile it. I have no gtk+ installed  
> and i have some problems to compile gtk+ 2.5.6.
> Can i complie/create only the epkowa moule for sane?

If you insist on compiling from source without gtk+, have recent
enough versions of autoconf and automake installed and don't mind
mucking with the code, you can do the following:

 - configure.ac: remove the "checks for modules" section
 - Makefile.am: remove frontend from the SUBDIRS

and then just do the regular

  $ ./configure <your-options-here>
  $ make
  $ su -c 'make install'

This is all untested but I believe this will work fine.  Note that the
3590 will only work on IA32 (ix86) machines.  It will not work on any
other architecture, including 64 bits, because it requires a non-free
binary-only module.

> And does the multifeeder work with this driver?


Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at http://member.fsf.org/
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