Bug#327043: [sane-devel] LiDE 25 issues
jblache at debian.org
Thu Sep 8 16:46:52 UTC 2005
Rogier Wolff <R.E.Wolff at BitWizard.nl> wrote:
> One of you needs to help me a bit in how to easily and quickly compile
> and test a new version.
> I have the debian sources in ~/xxx/sane-backends-1.0.16 and when I
> typed something like "debbuild" I got a libsane_1.0.16-1_i386.deb
> . However, I have the impression that if I go and change a source file
> in there, and do the "debbuild" again, it will untar and patch the
debuild builds the sources it finds in the current directory, and
doesn't proceed to untarring + patching the sources, so your
modifications are safe.
> source files again, and undo my changes. Moreover, the build takes
> quite a while, even though I have a reasonably powerful
> workstation. So I would like to do "make" somewhere, so that "make"
You can edit debian/rules and add BACKENDS=plustek just before
./configure (on the same line). Only the plustek backend will be
built, which will considerably speed up the build :)
> will figure out that only backends/plustek-usb.c has been changed, and
> that it only needs to rebuild from there. I'm happy then manuall
> copying over the ".so" file into my system directory.
cd backend && make ;) Be aware that most backends #include other .c
files, and the Makefiles currently don't take that into account. In
this case, you need to manually touch the main source file for the
backend (plustek.c in this case).
> Tell me which parameters are most likely to need tweaking....
I'll leave that part up to Gerhard :)
Julien BLACHE - Debian & GNU/Linux Developer - <jblache at debian.org>
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