[sane-devel] Epson Pferection 3590 Photo

Dietmar Segbert didi.segbert at arcor.de
Wed Sep 14 04:25:00 UTC 2005

my system:
Slackware 8.0
gcc 2.9.5
kernel 2.4.26 mit speakup (screenreader) build in

sane-backends 1.0.16
libusb 0.1.9

scanner Epson Perfection 3590 Photo Firmware esfw52.bin

The scanner did not work.
sane-findscanner finds the scanner:

found usb scanner vendor 0x04b8 epson scanner productid 0x0122

scanimage -L finds only my HP scanjet IIP.

I use a group "scanner".

After finding the scanner with sane-findscanner i have done the following:

chown root:scanner /proc/bus/usb/004/002
chmod 0660 /proc/bus/usb/004/002

The device /dev/usb/scanner0 ist set to root:scanner.

In the snapscan.conf i have added the line:

usb 0x04b8 0x0122

and at the top:

firmware /usr/local/etc/sane.d/esfw52.bin

Any ideas, what to do ?
I have tried to compile sane-backends CVS from 2005.09.10, but i became
only eroormessages like arithmetik and void. Sorry it is very difficult to
follow the screen with a speechsynthesizer,

Thanks for your help.


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