[sane-devel] Libre Graphics Meeting from 17 to 19 March 2006 in Lyon, France

Oliver Rauch Oliver.Rauch at Rauch-Domain.DE
Sat Feb 4 22:14:25 UTC 2006


David Neary has asked me if I would come, but I think I will not have
the time to come.

I do not know who wants to represent the XSane project - I am the only
one who is working on xsane.

Best regards

Am Sam, 2006-02-04 um 23.01 schrieb Aurelien Jarno:
> Hi all,
> I don't know if some of you are already aware of the "Libre Graphics
> Meeting" [1], which will be held from 17 to 19 March 2006 in Lyon, 
> France.
> It's a meeting of artists and free software graphics developers.
> According to [2], it's seems the XSane project will be represented, but
> I don't know who is coming. Has somebody from the Sane project planned 
> to come?
> Note that the Debian Sane maintainers, ie Julien Blache and I, will be
> there.
> Bye,
> Aurelien
> [1] http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/
> [2] http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/TellUsYoureComing
> -- 
>   .''`.  Aurelien Jarno	            | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
>  : :' :  Debian developer           | Electrical Engineer
>  `. `'   aurel32 at debian.org         | aurelien at aurel32.net
>    `-    people.debian.org/~aurel32 | www.aurel32.net

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