[sane-devel] Re: HELP! Epson Perfection 4180 Photo

brinkleybw at bigfoot.com brinkleybw at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 05:43:01 UTC 2006

One more thing.  I was reading the Avasys FAQ (specifically, the question
"Previewing and Scanning does not work") and there was a workaround for this
particular issue/scanner combination.  It sugggested that I comment the
'net' backend in dll.conf, which I did.  Now, when I run the iscan command
with debug on, I get a different error message:

$ SANE_DEBUG_EPKOWA=255 sudo iscan
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of epkowa to 255.
[epkowa] sane_init: iscan 2.1.0
[epkowa] sane_get_devices()
[epkowa] sane_open(libusb:004:004)
[epkowa] init_options()
[epkowa] open_scanner()
[epkowa] setvalue(option = 43, value = 0xbf940130)
Segmentation fault

On 7/9/06, brinkleybw at bigfoot.com <brinkleybw at gmail.com> wrote:
> I ran the following command and copied the debug output below.  I'd not
> seen this message before, but it reports that the scanner is "already
> open".  This occurs after I click on the Scan button.
> /var/tmp/iscan_pkg$ SANE_DEBUG_EPKOWA=255 sudo iscan
> <<<snip>>>
[epkowa] sane_start()
> [epkowa] open_scanner()
> [epkowa] scanner is already open: fd = 0
> [epkowa] reset()
> [epkowa] send buf, size = 2
> [epkowa] buf[0] 1b .
> [epkowa] buf[1] 40 @
> [epkowa] receive buf, expected = 1, got = 1
> [epkowa] buf[0] 15 .
> [epkowa] close_scanner(fd = 0)
> [epkowa] close_scanner(fd = -1)
> [epkowa] close_scanner(fd = -1)
> [epkowa] close_scanner(fd = -1)
> [epkowa] sane_exit
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