[sane-devel] Re: back-end Scanjet4370

Wolfram Heider wolframheider at web.de
Tue Sep 5 20:17:44 UTC 2006

On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 21:55:58 +0200, Bertrik Sikken <bertrik at sikken.nl>  

> Hash: SHA1
> Huub wrote:
>>>> Tried to install it, but no such luck. Any other suggestion?
>>> I think lsusb is usually part of the usbutils package.
>>> Otherwise try sane-find-scanner.
>> Here's lsusb output in attachment.
> Weird, I don't see the scanner in the output.
> Using google, I was able to find part of the sane-project.org
> pages. The HP4370 is possibly supported by the hp3900 backend
> (marked as 'Untested. Please report if it works.')
> hp3900 backend page:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/hp3900-series/
> The hp3900 page indicates that the scanner uses a RTS8822 chipset.
> There is also another backend for this chipset: hp_rts88xx
> http://hp44x0backend.sourceforge.net/
> For both backends you will need to be able to compile the sane-backends
> sources from scratch. There is no guarantee that it will eventually
> work.
> Regards,
> Bertrik

The hp3900-series backend is beta and its developper says, Scanjet  
4370-users will only get black images till now. So for the time being it  
seems not to be a valid option.

Wolfram Heider

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