[sane-devel] xsane hpaio with ADF bug report and PATCH

Alex Eskin alexeskin at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 16 16:13:50 UTC 2006

The attached one-line patch against xsane-0.991 is needed
to get the automatic document feeder on my OfficeJet 5610
to work with xsane. The problem is that xsane does not
call "sane_cancel" after scanning a page from the ADF, and
the page is then not properly ejected. 

scanimage already does the right thing and  works with my
scanner. So I think the problem is with xsane. From looking
at various mailing lists, it seems that it affects at least
some of the other hpaio devices. 

Is this the right place to report this?

--- src/xsane-scan.c.orig       2006-09-15 20:50:56.000000000 -0500
+++ src/xsane-scan.c    2006-09-15 20:53:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1560,6 +1560,7 @@

     DBG(DBG_info, "ADF mode end of scan: increment page counter and restart
     xsane.adf_page_counter += 1;
+    sane_cancel(xsane.dev);
     gtk_timeout_add(100, (GtkFunction)xsane_scan_dialog, NULL); /* wait 100ms
then call xsane_scan_dialog(); */
   else if ( ( (status == SANE_STATUS_GOOD) || (status == SANE_STATUS_EOF) ) &&
(xsane.batch_loop  == BATCH_MODE_LOOP) )

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