[sane-devel] Problem using SANE

Rajneesh Kumar its.rajneesh at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 20 15:39:39 UTC 2006

Hello to all,
  Hope all will be well. I am a S/W Developer. I have developed a Data 
Management System (DMS) using LAMP for our KPO (Knowledge Process 
Outsourcing) wing. Using that DMS all our client send their data (as image 
files), KPO guys process it and send output (in PDF) to client by using 
  Right Now, the clients upload their data in two steps...
  1.  Scan (convert) their text file into image file (jpeg/tif/pdf) 
using scanner hardware at their end.
  2. upload it on DMS for further process.
  Now We the IT guys what exactly wants is,
   Give the scan-upload option on DMS (i.e. when the client will click 
on scan option on DMS the DMS must be able to scan all his documents by 
using his / her scanner device autometically and upload it on 
concerning server directory.)
  Our DMS is a web based soulution for client interaction (to get 
data,to produce output), so client may be at any location at the world using 
different scanners.
  then how your SANE Api is rellivent in this regard and if it so, how 
can i use it in my existing DMS system.
  I am in great need..
  So please help me....
  Rajneesh Kumar

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