[sane-devel] Formulardaten

cgi-mailer at kundenserver.de cgi-mailer at kundenserver.de
Mon Feb 19 12:28:25 CET 2007

== Neuer Eintrag

-- Formular: 'adddev'

1. Your email address:
   'sibendu_ju at yahoo.com'
2. Manufacturer (e.g. "Mustek"):
3. Model name (e.g. ScanExpress 1200UB):
   'tra 2500'
4. Bus type:
5. Vendor id (e.g. 0x001):
6. Product id (e.g. 0x0002):
7. Chipset (e.g. lm9831):
8. Comments (e.g. similar to Mustek 1234):
9. Data (e.g. sane-find-scanner -v -v):

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