[sane-devel] hs2p finally working

jazz_johnson at verizon.net jazz_johnson at verizon.net
Thu Oct 25 05:23:30 UTC 2007


I finally got my  hs2p driver to do basic scanning:

# scanimage -T -d hs2p:/dev/sg0
scanimage: scanning image of size 4672x6787 pixels at 1 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring gray frame, 1 bits/sample
scanimage: reading one scanline, 584 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: reading one byte...          PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 2 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 4 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 8 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 16 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 32 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 64 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 128 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 256 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 512 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 1024 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 1023 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 511 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 255 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 127 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 63 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 31 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 15 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 7 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 3 bytes...     PASS

There's a few more features I need to work on.
scanimage seems to work OK with hs2p backend.

I'm getting a segfault with xsane which I guess is
probably due to an error in my sane_control_option() routine.
Is there anyway to enable my DBG() macros so that xsane will print out where 
it's bombing?

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