[sane-devel] Epson 4990 / v700 Lamp Shut-off

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 00:26:33 UTC 2008

best bet might be to look around the windows gui and/or manual and see
if it can do it. if so, get a trace of it in action...


2008/8/25 myopicwatchmaker <myopicwatchmaker at gmail.com>:
> Hello everyone!
> I have been working with the epson2 backend for some time now, as I use both
> the 4990 and v700 as part of my work.
> The items I scan are heat-sensitive, which is problematic given that lamps
> of both the scanner and its transparency unit generate quite a lot of heat.
> After each scan the lamps remain powered for fifteen minutes before
> automatically turning off.  Does anybody know of any command(s) that will
> allow me to turn off the scanner's lamps earlier than this?  There isn't
> anything in the 4990 documentation to suggest it is possible, but perhaps
> someone here has stumbled upon a something.
> Thanks,
> Nick
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