[sane-devel] General technical docs for flatbed scanners

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 13:03:54 UTC 2008

i would LOVE to see such a doc, but never have. but its not just
flatbeds- cheaper adfs use the same chips...


On 2/10/08, Pierre Willenbrock <pierre at pirsoft.dnsalias.org> wrote:
> Hi list,
> anybody knows if/where to find $subject on the web? Something that
> describes some details of motor control, lamp control and analog/digital
> postprocessing, as well as the general scanning operating. Just enough
> for a developer of a driver for a dumb chip(like the genesys chips).
> If noone comes up with anything, i will try to create such a thing and
> post it here for comments.
> Regards,
>   Pierre
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