[sane-devel] Problem running as normal user

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 15:04:25 UTC 2008

On Feb 18, 2008 9:37 AM, tobias alarcon <extobias at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2008 11:00 AM, m. allan noah <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > SANE_Handle is opaque, you should not try to interpret its value as a
> > pointer. what status code do you get?
> >

yet if you immediately run scanimage from that same shell it works?
which backend is this?


> >
> > On Feb 18, 2008 8:45 AM, tobias alarcon <extobias at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi, i have  a problem running as normal user. When i call sane_open it
> > > return a null SANE_Handler. this doesn't happen as root (it work fine)
> > > Also i can detect the scanner as normal user and scan with scanimage.
> > > So i thing it not problem with permissions
> > > Any help will be apreciated.
> > > Tobias
> > >
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> > "The truth is an offense, but not a sin"
> >

"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"

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