[sane-devel] XSane not showing full list of resolutions for Epson V500

Brett cda-kfmg at kaspop.com
Mon Jul 7 08:00:11 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 09:18:57AM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> > The advanced options show a full range of dpi for X but setting this
> > has no effect.
> What option would that be?  The epkowa backend doesn't do resolution
> ranges for this model, only lists.  Or do you mean a full list?

Sorry, I mean a full list. The option is Scan Mode>>X-resolution[dpi]
It shows a list of values going up to 6400.
> > Any suggestions would be most welcome.
> Create debugging output with both iscan and xsane and compare.  You
> can also send me the debugging output (via this list) for xsane so I
> can take a look.  If you do, please also provide information on your
> distribution and xsane and iscan versions used.

I don't use a distribution - I have a Linux from Scratch system (gcc-4.2,
binutils-2.8, glibc-2.7)
xsane version: 0.995
iscan version: 2.11.0

> You probably just want to start the application(s) and maybe change
> the document source (flatbed to ADF for example) or expose that
> advanced option you mention.  You do not need to scan anything.

Have done this and attached the zipped debug log.

Hope you're able to help. Thanks for your time.


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