[sane-devel] Please give me some help to solve the license issues in using sane

Alessandro Zummo azummo-lists at towertech.it
Wed Jun 11 08:56:45 UTC 2008

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:55:14 +0900
Olaf Meeuwissen <olaf.meeuwissen at avasys.jp> wrote:

> >  GPL backend + proprietary decoding libs. A manufacturer would choose
> >  compatible terms for this case and it is not forbidden by the GPL.
> There are two possibilities here:
>  1) the non-free decoding libs are licensed under a GPL compatible
>     license.  This means that you need to provide the source code
>     and allow modification, redistribution and redistribution of
>     modifications, making the decoding libs in effect mostly free.
>  2) add an exception to the GPL which makes the backend no longer
>     GPL'd (in the strict sense).
> In either case, your scenario ceases to exist.
> # If users are free to drop the exception to the GPL when making
> # derived works, you could argue the backend is GPL'd, though.

 I don't think any mfr would care if is GPL or GPL-strict, as long
 as it is allowed for them to distribute their work.


 Best regards,

 Alessandro Zummo,
  Tower Technologies - Torino, Italy


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