[sane-devel] Sane Release 1.1.0 ?

Julien BLACHE jb at jblache.org
Thu Nov 6 10:01:40 UTC 2008

stef <stef.dev at free.fr> wrote:

> 	to define a way both version can coexist we have to know	what are the cases 
> which lead to this coexistence on a system. In my -possibly simplistic- view, 
> since any out of tree backend only needs a mere recompile to get in sync, I 
> don't see at first where is the problem. Could you tell me the precise cases 
> you are thinking of ?

samsung MFP backend. No sources. No maintainer. No hope for an update
anytime soon. Shitload of users.


Julien BLACHE                                   <http://www.jblache.org> 
<jb at jblache.org>                                  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169

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