[sane-devel] Can't seem to find config files

Igor G Novikov septagramm at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 13:21:34 UTC 2008


Looks like in the end there was mistake on my end, that didn't let sane
detect my scanner. You see, with my distribution two packages are
shipped: sane-backends and sane-backends-libs. Before installing sane
from sources i did remove sane-backends but didn't do the same with
sane-backends libs. Since sane is installed from sources to a different
place (/usr/local), rather than the one from package, libs from rpm
stayed perfectly intact and it was them that sane was using when looking
for scanner, not recompiled ones. So i removed sane-backends-libs and my
scanner got perfectly detected. At least we're getting somewhere.

But of course scanner won't scan. Ok, it would scan, but it's output
doesn't resemble whatever was scanned - it looks just like red stripes
on black background. And there are problems with scanner head.

Usually before scanning scanner head goes couple of centimeters forward
and adjusts light intensity, then goes back and starts scanning. With
sane, it does the same, but with a louder sound, which makes me a little
worried. And most importantly, scanner doesn't know where to stop. When
scanning from XSane sometimes scanner head just goes about one
centimeter and stops, beepeing strangely. Sometimes it goes 2/3 of
scanner length, and it does so *very fast* with an odd sound, then
finishes scanning and goes back with same speed and sound. When running
scanimage from commandline, the sound and speed are quite the same as
normally (by 'normally' i mean like it works on proprietary system with
proprietary drivers), until scanner head bumps into the wall. When you
stop it there, and look at the resulting image, about 2/3-1/2 is filled,
so scanner head has a rather long way to go.

Any ideas what to do with that?
                                   Igor G Novikov <septagramm at gmail.com>

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