[sane-devel] why is the permittion to sanei_usb_open denied?

Christian Wolf ChristianLupus at gmx.de
Tue Nov 18 12:16:50 UTC 2008


this did not work:
I've checked that the user saned should be in the group scanner as I read the 

I've just done a reboot to ensure, that the /etc/groups gets reread.

I would also be wondering, if I could start saned as user sane in a separate 
shell using the debug parameters, but nut start ist as sane using xinetd.

Any other ideas?


Am Dienstag, 18. November 2008 12:22 schrieb Julien BLACHE:
> Christian Wolf <ChristianLupus at gmx.de> wrote:
> HI,
> > At the server the user sane is able to find the scanner using `scanimage
> > -L`. Whenever I start the saned manually (using
> > `SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=8 /usr/sbin/saned -d8`) the scanner can be found by
> > the remote client. When I start saned using xinet I get the message
> > mentioned above. Even if I start saned manually as user saned it works.
> > Can you tel me what's going wrong here?
> adduser saned scanner
> Reading /usr/share/doc/libsane/README.Debian.gz might also help.
> JB.
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