[sane-devel] Fujitsu fi-5120c: replaced by fi-6130?

Jeff Kowalczyk jtk at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 1 14:56:27 UTC 2008

On Wed, 01 Oct 2008 09:10:04 -0400, m. allan noah wrote:
> works perfectly with sane cvs, poorly with 1.0.19. debian's latest 1.0.19
> deb has a patch that gives basic support.
> sane cvs also enables every esoteric option i could find, including the
> endorser (if you get one).

Is there a source for sane-cvs debs suitable for Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy?

I'd like to use our fi-60f (double-free error, ubuntu memory
'protection'), and if we are fortunate enough get one of these fi-6130,
neither Hardy or Intrepid sane packages are recent enough for full support.

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