[sane-devel] problems with genesys and MD6228

stef stef.dev at free.fr
Thu Oct 2 19:45:13 UTC 2008

Le Friday 26 September 2008 01:38:17 Werner Holtfreter, vous avez écrit :
> Hallo stef,
> am Freitag, 2008-08-29 07:13:37 schrieben Sie:
> > 	I have committed a couple a GPO fixes. I have also commented out
> > ASIC reset for GL646. I don't think it is usefull, and suppose it
> > may mess things. Could you try latest CVS version to see if it
> > fixes things for you ?
> The result:
> 1. The starting point at the top of page is more constant. It varies
>    between 0...0,8 mm at the top. (O...0,8 mm loss. Earlier 8 mm!)
> 2. In most resolutions the scanner works properly.
>    Only with 100 dpi, gray, sometimes (30 % from tests) the scanner
>    head starts to shake and does not move properly! The old problem.


	I can reproduce the bug in version starting at 1.0.17. Since it is working 
with xsane/xscanimage, but not using scanimage I'll try to compre the 
execution path to understand what could be happening.


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