[sane-devel] avision backend support of HP 8250
m. allan noah
kitno455 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 19:47:13 UTC 2009
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Mark Szorady<georgetoon at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi, I dson't mean to instrude,
You are not intruding, this is why we are here!
> but I'm trying to get my HP 8250 scanner to work with Sane. I'm using PCLinuxOS 2009.2. The backend they have is 1.0.19. > the scanner works with p[revious backend versions. for instance, it works using backne 1.0.14 in LinuxMint 4.0.
Yes- there seems to have been some regressions in the avision backend,
caused by some of the HP machines actually being produced with several
different firmware or hardware versions. These different versions do
not always act the same way.
> I'm wondering if the support for this scanner is present in the upgraded backend 1.0.20?
The backend was modified to address some of these issues, but we would
need you to compile and test it to be sure.
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