[sane-devel] Writing new backends
m. allan noah
kitno455 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 00:09:30 UTC 2009
This machine is probably a Genesys Logic GL846 or 847, you would need
to open the machine to be sure. The datasheet for those chips is not
available online, but you can find the gl848 datasheet via google. The
protocol of these three chips seems very similar, based on my logs of
the LiDE 100. You will also want to look at the analog front-end chip
which is used (usually Analog Devices or Wolfson Micro), and try to
find a manual for that too.
You would then need to get some logs of the windows driver in action,
using this tool:
and then you might try to use Pierre's utilities to parse the logs:
Though those utils are made for the 841.
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:21 PM, <mfasolo at ncfsistemi.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I Would be glad to write new sane-backend for Canoscan Lide 200.
> Could someone can give me some reference to proceed in SANE's best way
> Thanks
> P.S.
> My english could be most horrible than this
> --
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