[sane-devel] OCR Error

Jeffrey Ratcliffe jeffrey.ratcliffe at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 13:26:20 UTC 2009

Hi Ian,

On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 02:57:12PM +0200, Ian Whitfield wrote:
> You ask what app I'm using to scan??? Don't know if I follow
> you...... I'm using Sane. Or are you suggesting there are others??

Sane is not an application, it is a library, so I doubt you are using
Sane directly. There are various applications that use Sane to scan.

> If so I would be interested to know about them.

Part of the Sane or libsane Ubuntu packages are xsane (GUI),
scanimage, scanadf (both command-line) and xscanimage. I have a
personal interest in gscan2pdf, which is a separate package.

> This is especially true as I still have problems!! I installed the
> gocr file (what is this??) and tried a scan and OCR again. This
> time, no error message but all I get in the end file is garbage or a
> blank file!! What am I missing!!!???

gocr is a command-line OCR application. There are various others,
e.g. tesseract or ocropus. None of them have anything to do with Sane,
and therefore are off-topic here.

To get decent OCR results, you need a decent scan - typically 300 or
400dpi. At what resolution are you scanning?


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