[sane-devel] searching for business card scanner compatible with sane

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Sun Dec 20 23:39:51 UTC 2009

Hi Allan,

m. allan noah wrote, on 20-12-09 21:57:
> this 'bug' is caused by udev/hal being unaware of this usb id. Those
> rules are usually managed by the distro, using information we provide.
> The s1500 was listed as supported in sane 1.0.20, so your vendor's
> udev/hal rules should include it, if you are using 1.0.20.

Thanks you for listing it. Seems I am using 1.0.14-7 for sane and
1.0.20-4ubuntu3 for sane-utils. I will check with the Debian servers
or with the next dist-upgrade if this issue is still there.

Meanwhile I encountered a list of other questions, issues and/or bugs:

For full details please first look at the email attachment.

# issu01:
Somehow the scanner just became undetectable, I had to pull the power
cord, redo the chgrp command, and then the devices became detectable

# issu02:
Is there really no poweron/poweroff button for the devices?

# question02:
Is it normal to have command options with spaces like "ADF Duplex"
"ADF Back" "ADF Front"

# question03:
Can it be that "ADF Back" and "ADF Front" are reversed :) I have to
use "ADF Back" when the text is on the Front side of the scanner

# bug02:
It seems "ADF Back" and "ADF Front" are outputing something that is
not on the original paper, only "ADF Duplex" seem to work here...

# bug03:
It seems around 15mm of text is missing from the bottom of all pages
when trying to scan simple A4 pages. Page geometry: 5096x6600+0+0

Any help would be welcome.

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong
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