[sane-devel] PATCH: Make creation of output files of scanimage batch mode atomic

Simon Matter simon.matter at invoca.ch
Thu Jan 15 07:56:30 UTC 2009

>> "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> True enough, So, instead of using mktemp at all, why not do something
>>> like append '.part' to the image name? I think that is a little more
>>> clear to the end user if they find some hanging around after a
>>> scanimage crash or something.
>> Absolutely, especially if this all happens in the working directory.
> It has to be in the same directory like the target files or rename() could
> fail as I understand it. But of course it's not really the current working
> directory because output filespec can include a path, relative or
> absolute.
> My intention for using mktemp() was to make sure that one scanimage
> process does in any case rename only it's own file, even if a concurrent
> scanimage process (maybe handling a different device) uses the same output
> file name.
> Anyway I'll remove mktemp() tomorrow.

Updated patch is attached, hope that's less confusing now.

-------------- next part --------------
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