[sane-devel] GPL driver for Samsung SCX-4200 MFP

Vladimir Koutny vlado at sane.ksp.sk
Sun Jan 18 20:45:00 UTC 2009

Julien BLACHE wrote:
> Vladimir Koutny <vlado at sane.ksp.sk> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I've made a backend out of it, however it has some issues with closing
>> the device/opening it once again (scanner sends me some weird data..)
>> Unfortunately I'm a bit short of time to finish it :(
> Is the code available somewhere?


Please note that it is beta code - based on test.c and my previous code -
so not really polished yet :(

Not sure it is worth spending much time on it if the xerox_mfp could be

> JB.

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