[sane-devel] Scan as pdf gives only blank page

Werner Holtfreter Holtfreter at gmx.de
Mon May 4 18:25:47 UTC 2009

Am Montag, 2009-05-04 16:43:14 schrieb cool.chris65 at web.de:

> I'm using xsane to create PDF-Docs to achive eg bills or other
> documents. After the update from Kubuntu 8.10 intrepid to 9.04
> jaunty the pdf-docs allways includes only a blank page.

Yes, pdf-creating with xsane0.995 is broken also in Suse11.0. My
result was readable only in some pdf-readers, in others not.

Today, I updated to xsane0.996 and can *not* reproduce this problem.

You should test with xsane0.996.
Viele Grüße
Werner Holtfreter

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